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Artists, in any medium, know that to be totally quiet is to ignore a very fundamental truth of life.

As humans, we need to know we are not alone in our

emotions and experiences.

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Writing is the continuation of my journey in exploring humanity, which previously began through theatre.

What drew me into acting was the desire to understand and explore the human condition, and even though I believe art is our attempt at understanding humanity, it is not always accurate in its portrayal (playing someone who has lost a child and actually living through the loss of a child are not

emotionally equivalent).

So in order to achieve a more organic understanding and impact with others, I broadened my creative

horizons to that of written word.

And yes, I do tend to focus on the unpleasant at times…the negative, the cynical. Though I admit I might delve into the darkness too much at times, that’s what I’ve identified with most in my life, and what I mark as my experience in humanity: the outcast, the marginalized, the hopeless, the dreary, the depressed.

While I acknowledge that I spend more time than I should in these areas, sometimes venturing too far into the cynical, going to those places,

I’ve connected with others who are there. And make no mistake, no matter who you are or where you are in life, you will all experience these dark times in life, because you’re human.




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